Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I am done. I am so done I am playing winter softball

And it rains in SF quite a bit from November to March and you know what? Standing in the middle of a muddy baseball diamond catching pneumonia is more fun to me than watching the lowly Ravens fumble around and fuck it all up and ruin my sundays. Fuck it I might jsut start rooting for the 49ers.

Sorry folks. But it really has come to this. My good friend the nob hill polisher said it best,"it's not how bad they lose or how bad they suck, it is the way they lose and the way they suck."

Now suck my cock. I was really heating up at the end of last softball season and I am excited to not have to wake up at 9 to be at the bar by kickoff and then be pissed and miserable and slightly drunk while pouring more drink on a stale hang over.

There are no brightspots and nothing good worthy of mention.

What do I say, "don't go offside Suggs." what do you do kill the quarterback instead.

I hate you all.

This week's prediction against the hated Steelers

Ravens 3 Steelers 37 and a new low.

Hopeful prediction Ravens 24 Steelers 21


Blogger -Ann said...

Never thought I would say it, but I can actually now foresee a situation in which I would root for the Steelers. If you'd told me 20 years ago that I could root for the Steelers, I never would have believed it. How time changes though.

I know Baltimore lost the Colts, I'm sorry about that, but as long as Art Modell exists, I am going to have to hold a grudge against the Ravens.

2:03 PM  

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