Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I am done. I am so done I am playing winter softball

And it rains in SF quite a bit from November to March and you know what? Standing in the middle of a muddy baseball diamond catching pneumonia is more fun to me than watching the lowly Ravens fumble around and fuck it all up and ruin my sundays. Fuck it I might jsut start rooting for the 49ers.

Sorry folks. But it really has come to this. My good friend the nob hill polisher said it best,"it's not how bad they lose or how bad they suck, it is the way they lose and the way they suck."

Now suck my cock. I was really heating up at the end of last softball season and I am excited to not have to wake up at 9 to be at the bar by kickoff and then be pissed and miserable and slightly drunk while pouring more drink on a stale hang over.

There are no brightspots and nothing good worthy of mention.

What do I say, "don't go offside Suggs." what do you do kill the quarterback instead.

I hate you all.

This week's prediction against the hated Steelers

Ravens 3 Steelers 37 and a new low.

Hopeful prediction Ravens 24 Steelers 21

Sunday, October 09, 2005

It can't get much worse

I have nothing to say except that the aquarium in Monterey rules and that I am glad I missed "the worst performance" in Ravens history. Oh the humanity!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The year of the toe

Jarret Johnson is going to replace Anthony Weaver as defensive end while Weaver recovers from his busted toe. Dwan Edwards will also be splitting time. Combined the two have 4 career starts. I don't know if that is 100% accurate but I don't really care - that is the fun thing about this. I don't have to be right. I only have to write what ever I feel like. So there.

I also learned that until now Weaver has been a mark of consistency in the Raven's defense missing only one game in the last 4 seasons and I have been a big fan of his in that time. This does open the door for Johnson who I always thought was pretty impressive in the preseason games that I saw him play in. As for Edwards, I don't know a heck of a lot about him but then again who really cares. I am sure he will do just fine.

So if my calculations are correct and they usually are - that makes two big toe injuries in one season. One to the drunk asshole, in the picture to your left-- no that isn't me, I would never be caught dead in one of those hats - if you have an "Interceptaverde" jersey that would be a different story. The other big toe injury to the aforementioned Mr. Weaver.

So all of this begs the question: Where are you now Seargant Hulka?

I sincerely hope this rash of toe injuries isn't catching on like the rotator cuff did in baseball.

There is one more thing lingering in my mind like a terd in a swimming pool. What is wrong with Jamal Lewis? Is he not hitting the holes? Or are the holes not there? Chester Taylor looks fresher and I would not be surprised if they split snaps on Sunday in Detroit. Which brings up another question: What happens to your season if you lose to the Lions in a season where you are slated to contend for the Superbowl, thus dropping your record to 1-3 and all but eliminating any chance you have for making the playoffs?

For those who care, I will also be 30 tomorrow which may or may not come as surprise to many of you. Many of you might say I have reached the pinnacle of a great a career but I assure you all, there is plenty more where that came from - like Vanessa Williams, I am saving the best for last.

My hopeful prediction for this Sunday's game: Ravens 17 Lions 10

Monday, October 03, 2005

After much consideration, I have decided that a blog is the best way to communicate with both friends and family about the only things that really matter in life: Me and the Baltimore Ravens

Wow are you guys lucky.

What is cool or exciting depending on how you look at it, is that you will be able to leave comments and say things like "wow, you are a flippin genius" or something to the effect of "holy cow! he's lost his marbles yet agin!

After 4 weeks of football the ravens are 1-2 and their bye is done. This is not good for a team that was supposedly looking to contend for a division and a strong superbowl contender. The Ravens looked abyssmal in their first 2 two games and to be frank, I can't say that they looked too sharp against the Jets who don't really have much to offer in their own right. Many of you will say a win is a win and that Anthony Wright was sharp and efficient, which I am not disputing, but what is wrong with Jamal Lewis? He don't look so good.