Saturday, November 05, 2005

Heck of a game but no dice

If only Football were as easy as undies and business cards. My beloved Ravens lost a heartbreaker to the hated Steelers on Halloween night.

It was an inspired effort coming from a team playing without the two best defensive players in the entire league.

I know the Bungles have given the ravens fits over the last two years and are now leading the division but I think the worm has turned for them and they will start to come back to reality a bit.

Yes they are a good team but I have the feeling the Ravens will pull this one out. I my self am going to the 49ers Giants game and getting my proper drink on. Let's all collectively pray that Plexiglass Burris and Eli Manning kill each other in some crazy homo-erotic suicide plot.. Far fetched as that sounds it could happe.

In other news, I tried having a yard sale today and it was a complete bust. I sold nothing. What is up with those A-holes who sell an old ashtray and a couple of frames and make a ton of loot. This is my fourth yard sale in the last 8 years and I think I sold 2 things total--ever in the history of me yard-sailing.

Hopeful prediction: Ravens 28 Bengals 7
Realistic Prediction: Ravens 13 Bengals 10 Posted by Picasa


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